Wednesday, August 4, 2010


CSREM (2009-2011) Batch

Infinite group projects, lots of individual assignments, a few student club organized events, non-stop partying and birthday party, a lot of success stories witnessed, one of the most beautiful natural place….and year one is over….Wow……time has flown by so fast. I arrived in Paralakhimundi, Orrisa a little less than a year ago, and it still feels like yesterday. Today I look back to where I was last July 20 and feel very satisfied and excited. I had begun the PGDM, not being sure about what kind of career I wanted to pursue afterwards. However I was positive for several reasons, that I wanted this career to bloom in the FMCG & Retail sector. Everything looked like a huge and menacing mountain to me. As I was coming from an entrepreneurial background, I had no experience or whatsoever in job hunting, job applications, recruitment processes and the very dreaded recruitment interviews. I didn’t know where to begin from. After a lot of hard work, I managed to secure my internship in one of the India’s most important players in the Insurance sector, and will have the great opportunity to learn and to develop myself professionally.
The process to get there has been a quite painful one and I wouldn’t have achieved it weren’t it for CSREM. I look back and feel grateful to all the people that helped me and kept pushing and encouraging me. From professors to career advisors to (of course) my batch mates! Many times I get the question “Are you happy with your choice of CSREM?” the answer is “ABSOLUTELY”. CSREM may not the India’s best or top ranked Business School, but that’s not what one should be asking. CSREM has definitely been THE BEST choice for me. The people I had the chance to meet and work with are amazing. I’ve never seen so much unity and willingness to help. I would walk around the school after class and would see my fellow batch mats helping each other with anything from exams preparation to individual assignment. I did not just have a group of very competent career advisors to follow me and teach me how to improve and “standardize” myself, but also a group of 60 amazing professionals always available to help with anything I might need.
After having spent a year at CSREM, I can tell with absolute certainty that it is the India’s most mutual MBA. Great friendships have been crafted that I am sure will last a lifetime. CSREM is not just a professional investment. It has enriched me not just professionally but also personally. There is so much fundamental value that it’s well worth the commitment. In July 20, 2009, year two begins. I’m looking forward to the new elective courses, and to meet and get to know the incoming class.
Would I do this all over again? I don’t think I need to answer…....................
Anubhav, Mr.Ajit & Mr.Jyoti in a Meating

WE ARE CSREM's 2009-2011

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