Sunday, August 1, 2010

Project of The Feasibility study of opening a café in JITM. On “Reasons to open a new business in JITM campus”.

Café  in JITM and CSREM campus

JITM and CSREM located in a Paralakhimundi which is rural area of Gajapati district in Odisha where student come various places of India but they are not getting any premium facility like café coffee, McDonalds, Barista and all so student here also feel like different from other because they are not aware with the lifestyle of other cities. JITM is engineering colleges located in Paralakhemundi having a B. school named CSREM in its campus. There are approximately 3000 students in JITM campus. This campus is 7 km. away from the local market. So the students are facing many problems to have coffee at the time of need. But there is one Ice-cream shop (Raja Bakery) in JITM Campus, But sometimes it provides coffee or not. So not only the students but also all others belong to this campus are facing problem to have coffee and light foods. There is no café in JITM. Café is an attractive place for the young mass as far the food and enjoyment is concerned.  The preferences of the consumers towards these shops are leads to booming of the coffee industry with annual growth of 100% in last 5-7 years. The per capita consumption of coffee in India is 130 gm. per annum and it is still in a rapid growth phase, which is a good sign for us. Indian café shop market has a very huge potentiality as now a day the youth is highly passionate about these café shops.

Research Problem
The problem of my research is to know how to open a cafeteria in JITM Campus. It is a big challenge to open a new coffee shop, as there are several well established brands in the market.

Research Objectives
The objective of the study intends to examine the needs and demand of the students and is it economically viable and feasible for opening of a café in this campus?

The present study is based on the data collected through the primary and secondary data sources. The catchment area for the study was limited to JITM and CSREM campus.
A.   Secondary Data Collection:
The objective for collecting the secondary data was to identify the “Competitors in the market and their strategies”. Secondary data will help in the better understanding of the various brands competing in the market.
B.   Primary Data Collection:
The methodology for primary data collection was that of online interviews and FGDs through the questionnaire method. The questionnaire was based on the TPS model (TRY, PAY and SWITCH) of new concept testing.

C.   FGDs:
After the completion of secondary data collection FGDs can be done for better understanding of buying behavior and consumption of café coffee in JITM and CSREM campus. It will facilitate the preparation of online survey questionnaire.  

The sampling plan for the above study was designed so that it could represent the total population of the study. For the purpose of the study 110 samples from the students, faculty member and staff of JITM and CSREM campus. As we are planning to open our café coffee shop in JITM campus in a big scale. So for this we have taken 150 respondents from CSREM campus, 150 respondents from JITM campus, Paralakhemundi. The target respondents were chosen from the various areas as shown below.

JITM Campus

Finally we would like to conclude that the survey we have conducted titled “opening of café in JITM” is based on quantitative as well as qualitative research. The survey was conducted within JITM as well as CSREM campus. The respondents are the students as well as the faculties and staffs of JITM and CSREM.
The study was conducted because we “GROUP-3” found that apart from the BAKERY there is no other option for the students of JITM and CSREM as well as staffs to get qualitative snacks, with coffee tea or any other refreshment beverages.
The data collected through secondary and primary data source. Primary data source included online interviews and FGDs conducted in JITM. Two FGDs were conducted i.e. one in girls hostel and another was in boys hostel which provided a lots of information regarding students taste and preferences and also buying behavior of the students.

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