Sunday, August 1, 2010

Project report on Sold Gram Tarang FMCG products during 2nd and 3rd Trimesters in Rural areas as part of P.G.D.M. in Orrisa, India

“Gram Tarang” is a self help corporative  which marketing different variety of product like soap, Ultra clean magic washing powder, Relax balm etc. It markets product like detergents (Ultra, Rima jet, Jet ultra, Ultra active oxygen) shine cream, Enadu coconut oil, Mosquito coil, Amlanikhar coconut oil, Cool cool coconut oil, coconut base oil. Gram Tarang today known for medium quality products and services and for its commitment to provide total customer and personal care. In the continuing affords to realize its vision of customer satisfaction, this has been paying special attention to Quality and Quantity (Q&Q) and Customer - Centric - Approach.

Today the market of Gram Tarang Company is not so broad, although it expanding Andhra Pradesh and Odisha in all over district. To manage them it cannot create a thousand different marketing programs. Gram Tarang created customer segmentation are classified into different segments depending upon their various attributes like age, occupation, gender, interests, spending habits etc.

The company has developed deeper insights of customer needs and identified ten customer segments based upon psychographics, lifestyle and behavior. This has helped company for an attractive value propositions for the distinct customer segments comprising FMCG products. The company Gram Tarang distributes his products with the help of SSGs, NGOs and Sales Representative.

My Experience

There is a good and unforgettable experience for me when I am selling the product in rural market, its very new kind of experience for me. Because there is lots of opportunity to get real knowledge about the market. There is a lots of challenges and barriers in market when I was selling the product but I am taking this as task. There is first barriers is language I was unable to communicate them in his language. So the solution of this problem is only one that I make a group with local student, so I decided that I made group with Deepak lima, who knows the every village in gajpati district.

On the first day we decided to go nearest village of our college which is Upplada, now from here our journey was start. In that village were going to dore to dore. But that day no one is interested to purchase our product but some of  people interested to purchase our product in that village.

After  Upplada we were move to Rasuka , in this village we were meet with some shopkeeper and they are convince to purchase our product. But they ask some question about our product. Because quantity is so less in packing and they said packing also not good. But in that village we sold 600 Rs product.

After  Rasuka village we had gone to Narayanpur. Narayanpur is very big district so we haven t any problem to sell our product.

At last we had gone also Paralakerhimundi town where we meet with restaurant and in hotels and they are conviece with us to purchase detergent and soaps,

So like this way ,we complete our task and target also and we sold our product in MRP price.

What problem I face to sell GT product

The entire process of selling of Gram Tarang Product is very interesting. But we faced a lot problem in the selling the products in the market. The problems are as follows:-
1.      Language barrier
2.      Lack of awareness
3.      A very  high competition in the market
4.      Packaging of products are not up to the mark
5.      High pricing for some of the products
6.      No brand name with product   

          THANK YOU !!!


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