Friday, December 3, 2010

Advertisement and Sales Promotion

Introduction to IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication)

What is Marketing?

Think of marketing for some seconds. Two things would come to your mind:

  1. Sales
  2. Advertisement

Marketing is the process of maximizing the profitability and sales of the organization by identifying the needs and wants of the customers and convincing them how they can fulfill their needs though our product.

Past Marketing:
In past advertisement used to be done on the mass media like televisions, newspapers, etc. Mass media was very popular and useful as the marketing medium till late 80s but after that it lost its grip.

21st Century Marketing:
The advertisement done today is far more different then the old era. Now, the emergence of new technology, the growth in the internet usage, rapidly changing environment, changing way of communications, fragmentation of mass markets, growing economies, and globalization has changed the overall marketing to use different other communication mediums and techniques with the old ones (newspapers, TV, Radio, etc.). These new techniques are as follow:

  1. Advertisement on Internet
  2. Relationship Marketing
  3. Event Sponsorships
  4. Direct Marketing
  5. Sales Promotion
  6. Publicity (Press Releases, Public Relation, Reviews)

What is Marketing Mix (4 Ps)?

Marketing is basically exchange process and development of good relationship with customer. Marketing mix is to providing value to the customer. Providing right product, at right price, at right time at right place and to right customer is the marketing mix. Basically these are the elements of marketing mix:

  1. Product
  2. Price
  3. Place
  4. Promotion

What is IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication)?

IMC is a plan through which we check and analyze different communication disciplines (like direct marketing, sales promotion etc) according to our product target market and strategy so that we could get maximum communication impact.

In IMC we don’t rely only on one media. We choose different variety of promotional tools. The American Association for Advertising Agencies (4A) definition for IMC is as follow:

“A marketing communication plan that evaluates the strategic role of different communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communication impact”

The above definition tells us two things:

a)      Identify the best fit of advertisement disciplines
b)      Build positive and consistent relationship to the customers and stakeholders
c)      Build and sustain brand identity and equity

IMC requires that firm should develop the overall marketing strategy that requires how all of a firm’s marketing activities, not just promotion, communicates with its customers. (Don Schultz)

Brand Identity:

Brand Identity is the brand impression that comes in the customer’s mind while thinking about that very brand. Its basically logo, symbols, organization culture, design, and performance of the product.

Brand Equity:

Brand Equity is the status of the brand with respect to other brands available in the market.

So, generally, IMC is basically identifying the best communication method and building relationships with the stakeholders and customers. There are a lot of choices available for the customers but limited time to think. Therefore IMC builds the impression of the brand in the mind of the customer. Because of this positive brand impression, customers take no time and choose the product with brand image in his mind.

IMC is being vastly adopted by almost all of the marketers because it makes the marketers to answer the changing environments, trends, globalization, customer priorities and a lot more. A recent survey showed that these advancements are effecting the mass media a lot so that Newspapers, TV, Radios are getting to smaller and smaller audiences. On top of all it is also proved that new people are very less responsive to the TV, newspapers, radio ads. Now here comes the IMC. You know the way how PUMA advertise? Yes, PUMA is advertised by the big players as its printed on their shirts. People love to buy their favorite match winning player brand.

Now, Organizations are understanding the change in the environment variables and therefore changing their promotion and marketing styles with respect to that changing environment. Rather then to stick with only one method of promotion, they are diversifying their options for better attractions for the customers.

What is Successful IMC?

In IMC the main thing is to choose the effective promotion discipline efficiently and coordinate their use. For this better understanding of the IMC tools is required.

What is Promotional Mix?

Promotion is dissemination of information about the product, product line, brand or company (Wikipedia).

Promotion mix is the process of making channels of information and persuasion to sell a product, service or an idea. We can also say that Promotion Mix is basically the tool that helps organization in getting its communication objectives. Following are the items of Promotion Mix:

  1. Advertising
  2. Direct Marketing (Not traditional part but important part of IMC)
  3. Internet Marketing
  4. Sales Promotion
  5. Publicity
  6. Personal Selling


Advertising is basically paid form of non personal communication about the product, organization, service or idea. Always remember that the nature of advertisement differs from one industry to another.

Non personal communication means that getting the immediate feedback from the audience is not possible.

But second thing that favors advertisement is its “Cost Effectiveness”. Its cost is very low if we calculate the number of people watching the advertisement and getting the information.

Advertisement is very useful in creating the positive brand images in the mind of customers when differentiation between the products is very low.

If you see that there is very little you can do in terms of Marketing Mix (Price, Product, Distribution, and Promotion) for a product then you use the special advertisement strategy to differentiate your product from other products and compel the customer to buy your product.

Direct Marketing:

In direct marketing the marketers communicate directly with the customers to sell their products. Traditionally its not included in Promotion Mix but now its becoming an important part of IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication).

In direct marketing the main thing is not only have direct mailing to the customer but also database management, contact management, telemarketing, direct response, direct mail, direct email, shopping through company catalog list, and websites are also included.

The most important thing in Direct Marketing is Direct Personal Response where manufacturers compel the customers to buy the products directly from them. Customer watches the ad on TV, or Newspaper and contacts the manufacturer for the product. Direct Mail used to be the primarily medium for the Direct Personal Response but now email, Internet, TVs has taken its place.

Direct Marketing is very helpful for the people those have money and they don’t have the time to go to the store and buy the thing. Direct Marketing provides them a way to directly contact the manufacturer and buy the thing at convenience.

Internet/Interactive Marketing:

Internet market differs from all the markets because it provides everything on the click of the mouse. It provides the customer with the double sided flow of information.

Internet Marketing gives the customer a lot of options:

Customer who wants to buy a product can check a lot of other online stores for the same product in no time.
Customer can check the reviews from the other users of the product.
Customer can directly talk to the sales representative of the company.
With huge number of stores online, customer gets best offers from the manufacturers
Customer can get online promotions

Internet Marketing has combined all the elements of promotional mix. From purchasing of products to getting discounts, everything is on the customer’s finger tips. It conducts direct marketing, advertisement, publicity, public relation, and personal selling at one place.

Sales Promotion:

Whenever we talk about sales promotion different things come to our minds, like Product Samples, Coupons, Rebates, Discounts, Free Stuff and lot more. Basically all of these benefits are given to the consumer side. It doesn’t mean that there is no part of retailers and wholesalers in sales promotion. Retailers and distributors also take their cut in the form of Price Deals, Sales Contests, Discounts, and different allowances.

So, we can say that sales promotion is of two types. First one is the Customer Oriented Sales Promotion that deals with the customer and second is the Trade oriented Sales promotion that deals with the Retailers, Distributors, and Wholesalers.


Publicity is the important part of promotional mix. In publicity no payment is made to the publisher. Basically publicity is done in the form of:

Product Reviews
Discussions about the product in different forums
In local Events
News and Editorials

Publicity is actually the type of non personal communication regarding the product or the service. Publicities do an important role to make the decisions of the people about any product because the one who is publicizing a product is not directly involved with the company. In publicity the product is directly criticized and/or appreciated.

Personal Selling:

In personal selling there is a direct contact between the buyer of the product and the seller of the product. Feedback is received very quickly and the seller can change the message according to the needs of the consumer. This is basically used in Business to Business models.

Consumer Behavior

Consumer Behavior is basically the process of influencing the behavior of the consumer towards the purchase of the product. The good knowledge of the behavior of the consumer makes the product sell.

“Consumer Behavior is basically the process and activities that people do in order to search, select, purchase, use, and dispose a product to satisfy their needs.”

A successful marketer needs to know the following things:

  1. What steps a consumer goes through before buying a product
  2. What type of decisions he/she likes to make to buy product
  3. What factors make the need of the product in market
  4. What factors can effect the purchase decision of the customer
  5. What are the needs of the consumer
  6. How the consumers gathers the information about a product to fulfill the need
  7. How consumer selects a specific product among alternatives
  8. How consumer makes purchase decision
  9. How the needs of different consumers vary

Customer vs. Consumer:

Customer is the one to whom we are selling our product but the consumer is the one who takes decision to buy our product, and then uses our product.

Stages in Consumer Decision Making Process:

The following are the stages that consumer passes through in purchasing a product:

  1. Problem Recognition (Problem is identified by the consumer)
  2. Information Search (Consumer searches how to solve the problem)
  3. Alternative Evaluation (Consumer comes across different alternatives)
  4. Purchase Decision (Consumer decides to select one product)
  5. After Purchase Product Evaluation (Consumer evaluates the product)

There are some concurrent psychological decision processes running in the consumer’s mind when doing decision making process for a product. These Psychological Processes are as follow:

  1. Motivation
  2. Perception
  3. Attitude Formation
  4. Integration
  5. Learning

Problem Recognition:

In problem recognition the consumer realizes the need for some product and get motivated to buy the new product due to the following reasons:

a)      Need of the product because the old one is out of the stock
b)      because consumer was not satisfied by old product
c)      because consumer has new needs
d)     because consumer is innovative and want innovative products
e)      Because of marketers influence consumer want to buy new product

How to Examine Consumer Motivation:

In order to market the product well the marketer must know that what factors motivate the consumer to buy a product like when buying a watch:

a)      One sees functional perspectives of a watch
b)      One sees the price factor (low priced etc.)
c)      One sees the brand name and image

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

One of the best ways to learn the consumer motivation is through the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

a)      Maslow says that a person first fulfills its Physiological needs (basic needs) like Hunger, thrust.

b)      After the successful fulfillment of these needs a person goes to the Safety needs like security and protection.

c)      After fulfilling Security needs a person fulfills his/her social needs like love, affections, and emotions.

d)     Then a person wants to fulfill Self Esteem needs like self recognition. Here the person becomes the status conscious.

e)      Next comes the Self Actualization needs where the person is confident on himself.

The wrong point in Maslow’s Theory is that he says that the lower level needs like basic needs, safety needs should be fulfill first before fulfilling the higher level needs like self esteem and self actualization. Now we can see that especially in progressed countries people don’t actually move though the needs hierarchy. But the basic needs are the key to motivation for the higher needs. Therefore in the Cooking Oil (that is basic need) advertisement the love and affection of the mother is shown. Milk advertisement (basic need) the self confidence (higher level) of a person is shown.

Psychoanalytical Theory:

Psychoanalytic theory is also one of the tools to identify the consumer behavior. It was presented by Freud and the main ingredients of psychoanalytic theory are Human Personality and Motivation. Therefore the consumer's behavior can be related to the psychoanalytic theory. But people those have done research on the consumer's behavior with Psychoanalytic theory, has realized that the consumer's behavior about buying a product is sometimes very unusual and brought many interesting results like:

l  A man buys a car as a substitute of mistress
l  A woman loves to bake cake because she thinks that its same like giving birth to baby

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


CSREM (2009-2011) Batch

Infinite group projects, lots of individual assignments, a few student club organized events, non-stop partying and birthday party, a lot of success stories witnessed, one of the most beautiful natural place….and year one is over….Wow……time has flown by so fast. I arrived in Paralakhimundi, Orrisa a little less than a year ago, and it still feels like yesterday. Today I look back to where I was last July 20 and feel very satisfied and excited. I had begun the PGDM, not being sure about what kind of career I wanted to pursue afterwards. However I was positive for several reasons, that I wanted this career to bloom in the FMCG & Retail sector. Everything looked like a huge and menacing mountain to me. As I was coming from an entrepreneurial background, I had no experience or whatsoever in job hunting, job applications, recruitment processes and the very dreaded recruitment interviews. I didn’t know where to begin from. After a lot of hard work, I managed to secure my internship in one of the India’s most important players in the Insurance sector, and will have the great opportunity to learn and to develop myself professionally.
The process to get there has been a quite painful one and I wouldn’t have achieved it weren’t it for CSREM. I look back and feel grateful to all the people that helped me and kept pushing and encouraging me. From professors to career advisors to (of course) my batch mates! Many times I get the question “Are you happy with your choice of CSREM?” the answer is “ABSOLUTELY”. CSREM may not the India’s best or top ranked Business School, but that’s not what one should be asking. CSREM has definitely been THE BEST choice for me. The people I had the chance to meet and work with are amazing. I’ve never seen so much unity and willingness to help. I would walk around the school after class and would see my fellow batch mats helping each other with anything from exams preparation to individual assignment. I did not just have a group of very competent career advisors to follow me and teach me how to improve and “standardize” myself, but also a group of 60 amazing professionals always available to help with anything I might need.
After having spent a year at CSREM, I can tell with absolute certainty that it is the India’s most mutual MBA. Great friendships have been crafted that I am sure will last a lifetime. CSREM is not just a professional investment. It has enriched me not just professionally but also personally. There is so much fundamental value that it’s well worth the commitment. In July 20, 2009, year two begins. I’m looking forward to the new elective courses, and to meet and get to know the incoming class.
Would I do this all over again? I don’t think I need to answer…....................
Anubhav, Mr.Ajit & Mr.Jyoti in a Meating

WE ARE CSREM's 2009-2011

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


In a first of a kind initiative in India, the Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company (JUSCO) was carved out of Tata Steel from its Town Services Division in 2004. In JUSCO, the steel major reposed nine decades of experience and expertise. The mandate for JUSCO was to convert an obligatory service into a customer focused sustainable corporate entity.
Jamshedpur Utilities & Services Company is today India’s only comprehensive urban infrastructure service provider. A Tata Enterprise, its services focus on the Tata Group Purpose “to improve the quality of life of the communities we serve”.
The Group purpose is reflected in JUSCO’s Mission of providing “quality services for life”. Its services include water, power, infrastructure, public health and horticulture services. JUSCO works alongside civic bodies, large and small industries, local government bodies, communities and individuals to deliver value through sustainable solutions.
The Company believes that a clear sense of the Tata Values and Mission allows it to achieve immense clarity on its role for the future. JUSCO intends to rise to the challenge of meeting India's need for infrastructure development in a sustainable manner by anticipating and addressing the country's growth needs such that the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is not compromised.
JUSCO, a Tata Enterprise, that provides and maintains basic civic amenities in the city of Jamshedpur, felt the need to conduct a survey among the residents of Jamshedpur to assess the satisfaction levels with regards to the various ‘Quality of Life’ parameters

JUSCO will be the preferred provider of civic and allied services and a national leader in water and sanitation business.
Guided by the Tata Values, we will continuously strive to delight our customers through a team of happy and empowered employees.

Jamshedpur Utilities & Services Company provides comprehensive services in the supply of water to both industrial and domestic customers. Our range of services cover operations & maintenance of the entire water cycle from intake to treatment, conveyance and distribution. We integrate this service with capabilities such as asset management activities, GIS, billing, collection and Non Revenue Water reduction programmes. The Company was formed in 2004 and we have since ventured beyond Jamshedpur to create new facilities in water across the country apart from modernising and maintaining existing ones.
Services offered
  • Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plants Sewage Treatment Plants, distribution networks.
  • Build new Water Treatment Plant and Sewage Treatment Plant on EPC or BOOT basis.
  • Technical and Management support to improve performance of the Water Treatment Plants, Sewage Treatment Plants and Distribution Systems.
  • Control of Unaccounted for Water (UFW) or Non Revenue Water (NRW).
  • Creation of 24 x 7 municipal water supply systems.
  • GIS for asset management including updating of existing drawings.
  • Customer support services including call centre facilities for prompt handling of complaints.
Power is the most critical infrastructure required in India. By 2011-12, India needs to add 150,000 MW to its existing capacity. With the introduction of various Power Sector Reform more emphasis has been laid on quantify the energy losses.
AT&C losses is a significant factor in improving performance standards. JUSCO uses its experience and expertise to ensure that the over all level of AT&C losses in Jamshedpur distribution system remains at about 8% against about 24% of other distributors. We are also using the capabilities of our team to continuously work towards achieving further reduction in the AT&C Losses in our distribution system. Our aspiration is to reach world class bench mark in AT&C losses.
The Power Services Division holds two licenses for the purchase, sale and distribution of electricity; augmenting and maintaining the power distribution infrastructure.
Jamshedpur Operations - India's first Private Power Utility Company to manage operation and distribution for the entire city since 1923
Seraikela Kharsawan Operations - First district in the country where two utilities have been allowed to build parallel network for distribution of power
JUSCO offers design, construction and turnkey services as well as comprehensive EPC services; according to individual needs, it undertakes end-to-end projects or provides stand alone solutions in the areas of:
  • Building & Industrial Construction – geared to provide EPC Services as well as exclusive construction solutions for Residential/ Commercial/ Industrial/ Recreational requirements.
  • Road Construction & Maintenance – facilitating economic growth
  • Design & Planning Consultancy – understanding and delivering the physical planning, architectural and structural needs of modern townships
  • Township Management – solutions for India’s urban growth & development


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Project of The Feasibility study of opening a café in JITM. On “Reasons to open a new business in JITM campus”.

Café  in JITM and CSREM campus

JITM and CSREM located in a Paralakhimundi which is rural area of Gajapati district in Odisha where student come various places of India but they are not getting any premium facility like café coffee, McDonalds, Barista and all so student here also feel like different from other because they are not aware with the lifestyle of other cities. JITM is engineering colleges located in Paralakhemundi having a B. school named CSREM in its campus. There are approximately 3000 students in JITM campus. This campus is 7 km. away from the local market. So the students are facing many problems to have coffee at the time of need. But there is one Ice-cream shop (Raja Bakery) in JITM Campus, But sometimes it provides coffee or not. So not only the students but also all others belong to this campus are facing problem to have coffee and light foods. There is no café in JITM. Café is an attractive place for the young mass as far the food and enjoyment is concerned.  The preferences of the consumers towards these shops are leads to booming of the coffee industry with annual growth of 100% in last 5-7 years. The per capita consumption of coffee in India is 130 gm. per annum and it is still in a rapid growth phase, which is a good sign for us. Indian café shop market has a very huge potentiality as now a day the youth is highly passionate about these café shops.

Research Problem
The problem of my research is to know how to open a cafeteria in JITM Campus. It is a big challenge to open a new coffee shop, as there are several well established brands in the market.

Research Objectives
The objective of the study intends to examine the needs and demand of the students and is it economically viable and feasible for opening of a café in this campus?

The present study is based on the data collected through the primary and secondary data sources. The catchment area for the study was limited to JITM and CSREM campus.
A.   Secondary Data Collection:
The objective for collecting the secondary data was to identify the “Competitors in the market and their strategies”. Secondary data will help in the better understanding of the various brands competing in the market.
B.   Primary Data Collection:
The methodology for primary data collection was that of online interviews and FGDs through the questionnaire method. The questionnaire was based on the TPS model (TRY, PAY and SWITCH) of new concept testing.

C.   FGDs:
After the completion of secondary data collection FGDs can be done for better understanding of buying behavior and consumption of café coffee in JITM and CSREM campus. It will facilitate the preparation of online survey questionnaire.  

The sampling plan for the above study was designed so that it could represent the total population of the study. For the purpose of the study 110 samples from the students, faculty member and staff of JITM and CSREM campus. As we are planning to open our café coffee shop in JITM campus in a big scale. So for this we have taken 150 respondents from CSREM campus, 150 respondents from JITM campus, Paralakhemundi. The target respondents were chosen from the various areas as shown below.

JITM Campus

Finally we would like to conclude that the survey we have conducted titled “opening of café in JITM” is based on quantitative as well as qualitative research. The survey was conducted within JITM as well as CSREM campus. The respondents are the students as well as the faculties and staffs of JITM and CSREM.
The study was conducted because we “GROUP-3” found that apart from the BAKERY there is no other option for the students of JITM and CSREM as well as staffs to get qualitative snacks, with coffee tea or any other refreshment beverages.
The data collected through secondary and primary data source. Primary data source included online interviews and FGDs conducted in JITM. Two FGDs were conducted i.e. one in girls hostel and another was in boys hostel which provided a lots of information regarding students taste and preferences and also buying behavior of the students.

Project report on Sold Gram Tarang FMCG products during 2nd and 3rd Trimesters in Rural areas as part of P.G.D.M. in Orrisa, India

“Gram Tarang” is a self help corporative  which marketing different variety of product like soap, Ultra clean magic washing powder, Relax balm etc. It markets product like detergents (Ultra, Rima jet, Jet ultra, Ultra active oxygen) shine cream, Enadu coconut oil, Mosquito coil, Amlanikhar coconut oil, Cool cool coconut oil, coconut base oil. Gram Tarang today known for medium quality products and services and for its commitment to provide total customer and personal care. In the continuing affords to realize its vision of customer satisfaction, this has been paying special attention to Quality and Quantity (Q&Q) and Customer - Centric - Approach.

Today the market of Gram Tarang Company is not so broad, although it expanding Andhra Pradesh and Odisha in all over district. To manage them it cannot create a thousand different marketing programs. Gram Tarang created customer segmentation are classified into different segments depending upon their various attributes like age, occupation, gender, interests, spending habits etc.

The company has developed deeper insights of customer needs and identified ten customer segments based upon psychographics, lifestyle and behavior. This has helped company for an attractive value propositions for the distinct customer segments comprising FMCG products. The company Gram Tarang distributes his products with the help of SSGs, NGOs and Sales Representative.

My Experience

There is a good and unforgettable experience for me when I am selling the product in rural market, its very new kind of experience for me. Because there is lots of opportunity to get real knowledge about the market. There is a lots of challenges and barriers in market when I was selling the product but I am taking this as task. There is first barriers is language I was unable to communicate them in his language. So the solution of this problem is only one that I make a group with local student, so I decided that I made group with Deepak lima, who knows the every village in gajpati district.

On the first day we decided to go nearest village of our college which is Upplada, now from here our journey was start. In that village were going to dore to dore. But that day no one is interested to purchase our product but some of  people interested to purchase our product in that village.

After  Upplada we were move to Rasuka , in this village we were meet with some shopkeeper and they are convince to purchase our product. But they ask some question about our product. Because quantity is so less in packing and they said packing also not good. But in that village we sold 600 Rs product.

After  Rasuka village we had gone to Narayanpur. Narayanpur is very big district so we haven t any problem to sell our product.

At last we had gone also Paralakerhimundi town where we meet with restaurant and in hotels and they are conviece with us to purchase detergent and soaps,

So like this way ,we complete our task and target also and we sold our product in MRP price.

What problem I face to sell GT product

The entire process of selling of Gram Tarang Product is very interesting. But we faced a lot problem in the selling the products in the market. The problems are as follows:-
1.      Language barrier
2.      Lack of awareness
3.      A very  high competition in the market
4.      Packaging of products are not up to the mark
5.      High pricing for some of the products
6.      No brand name with product   

          THANK YOU !!!
